I have worked consistently and courageously for a climate-sustainable and fair Finland. I am committed to promoting climate sustainability and human equality, as well as defending the biodiversity and animal rights!
What are my goals?
- A fair transition to combat the climate crisis
- Protection of biodiversity
- Human equality and universal basic income
- Well-being of children and young people
- Justice for animals
We need a comprehensive sustainability transition to transform our society into one that functions within the limits of the planet. The transition must be done fairly. The energy system must be based on emission-free solutions, and saving energy must be the norm. Carbon sinks must be saved. In agriculture, we must support the transition to a truly sustainable food system. We need additional measures to reduce transport emissions in the next election cycle, in particular with investments to public transport and cycling. Overconsumption needs to end. Instead, we can have a sustainable, fairer and happier society!
Humanity is utterly dependent on nature. Biodiversity must be protected, and the state of nature must be improved both on land and at sea. Protecting biodiversity needs to be put to the centre of political decision-making, be it about industry or construction. Nature is precious and must be protected!
Reducing inequality is one of my most important goals. I support universal basic income, which is a tool to increase people’s economic equality and freedom. With well-functioning basic services people are taken care of. I want to be part of the resistance to the racist far-right and the immiserating right-wing pushing for billion-euro cuts. We can afford to increase equality!
I want to work for a good life and future for children and young people. I want the right to a safe childhood guaranteed for all – a childhood in which children can be children. I want to improve resources for education so that every kindergarten and school is the best place for the children and young people of its area. Advancing good mental health for all young people must be a priority. I want to improve access to mental health services for young people. I want a society that doesn’t make young people sick. Youth involvement and participation in decision-making must be improved!
I want the rights of animals to be recognised in our society, and that the abuse of animals is questioned. I oppose all violence towards the weaker, and want to promote an empathetic society that is better for animals too. This is also in humanity’s interest!
How about you?
Join the campaign group just as you are, and bring your friends too! We organise and keep in touch also outside elections.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Mai Kivelä
040 741 7379
mai . kivela [at] eduskunta . fi